Sunday, March 22, 2020

If You Liked The Star Wars Trilogy, Believe Me, You Will Love This Wel

If you liked the Star Wars trilogy, believe me, you will love this well-written novel. This work is one of the most remarkable and page turning book that I have ever read. X-wing: Wedge's Gamble by Michael A. Stackpole is a worthwhile and I highly recommend reading this. This tale takes place five years after the events of the movie ?Return of the Jedi? from the revolutionizing Star Wars trilogy. The plot of this grand novel is that the now strong Rebel Alliance schemes a strategy to take over Coruscant, the Imperial seat of the Galaxy. This book begins incredibly fast paced with lots of action where Corran Horn, part of the infamous Rogue Squadron loyal to the Rebels, fights his way out of a trap while on patrol. As the novel progresses, Wedge Antilles, leader of Rogue Squadron, is called upon by Admiral Ackbar, military leader of the Rebels, to infiltrate Coruscant and bring the dark world's protective shield down. With the invincible shield down, it will make way for the Rebel fle et to attack and hopefully take over the evil world and dissolve even more of the now-decaying Empire. Wedge chooses to accept this stalwart mission along with his Rogue Squadron. The prestigious Rogues consist of Commander Wedge Antilles, Captain Tycho Celchu, Captain Aril Nunb, Lieutenant Corran Horn, and Lieutenant Pash Cracken, all top notch pilots. The story really begins to heat up after the daring pilots infiltrate Coruscant. The ruler of the planet and all Imperial Forces, Ysane Isard, knows about the invaders and wants the Rebels to take over Coruscant because little do they know, Isard has planted a deadly virus among the civilians and the disease will spread if and when the Rebels take over the dark city. Ignorant but powerful, the Rogues continue on with their perilous mission and unknown of the danger that awaits them. Just when you think the story will end, it continues with extravagant detail and ends with a thrilling conclusion that will leave you stunned and overwhe lmed. As I have voiced before, I enormously recommend and applaud this honorable novel. Rating (One is the worst, five is the best) *****

Thursday, March 5, 2020

The Fuegians essays

The Fuegians essays Fuegians are the original inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego, a location at the tip of South America. Its English and Spanish meanings vary with the English reference being biased towards the original inhabitants of Tierra del Fuego and the Spanish variant referring to the people, generally, who hail from the archipelago (Weber). The native Fuegians comprise several tribes which include the Ona, Haush, Yaghan and Alacaluf. But for the Ona, who lived in the interior and thrived on hunting, all the other tribes lived exclusively in the coastal regions. They had several languages which included Kawesqar and Yaghan for all the tribes and Chon for the Ona, a dialect they adopted from the mainland peoples. Fuegian languages are all extinct, except for the Yaghan and the Kawesqar languages. When the Europeans, Argentines, and Chileans invaded South America in search for markets and resources in the nineteenth century, they brought with them diseases such as small pox and measles to which the Fuegians had no immunity. These diseases devastated their numbers and killed them on massive scales, reducing them to a few hundred survivors by mid- twentieth century. The last full-blooded Fuegian died in 1999, meaning that all the original natives have all been wiped out. Some researchers are of the opinion that Fuegians might have descended from Australian roots as they are physically, culturally, and linguistically different from Native Americans. The credibility of this assumption draws from the fact that Australian Aboriginals are thought to have colonized the area before the Mongoloid Amerindians (American-Indians) did (Fuego). For example, Fuegians paint and tattoo their bodies in designs and patterns similar to those of the aborigines. The Fuegians, like the aborigines, were also taller than the Amerindians who inhabited the area. Contemporary research suggests that present day Fuegians have intermixed through marriages with other native...